HomeResilience and Mental Health Workshop

Resilience and Mental Health Workshop

Come along to this Be Well@Work workshop delivered by Julie White from Bright White Life Coaching and Training .

Higher wellbeing at work is positively correlated with more business level profitability.

The focus of the workshop is to provide both understanding and tools for building personal resilience that can also be applied to teams and organisations.

There will be some activities to help embed understanding of resilience and some useful tools to take away and use after the sessions.

Key Takeaways

Delegates will leave the workshop with an understanding of resilience and the link between mental health and resilience. Delegates will be encouraged to take action and implement the strategies discussed in the workshop to manage their stress and/or anxiety and improve their overall wellbeing.

About Julie White

Julie runs Bright White Life Coaching & Training an independent consultancy specialising in helping businesses to support their employees’ mental health, resilience and wellbeing.

Julie helps clients raise awareness, build confidence and educate their teams to support their own health and wellbeing and others too. Combining her many years as an HR Professional(in a variety of sectors including hospitality, retail, financial & legal services and consultancy), and personal experiences of mental health and ill health, and as a Resilience Coach and accredited Mental Health First Aid Instructor. Julie is passionate about making a difference by educating, guiding and supporting individuals and organisations to make mental health and wellbeing a priority.

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