HomeNewsPersonal growth and well-being of employees within the workplace…

Personal growth and well-being of employees within the workplace…

At today’s First Friday networker at The Business Village, Vicky Haywood from tenant business Yorkshire Psychotherapy Limited gave us a brief but highly informative taster on the subject of personal growth and well-being of employees within the workplace.

Vicky discussed how Business Coaching helps organisations to achieve and build on their successes by supporting the personal growth and well-being of employees within the workplace. We learned that whilst different from therapy, counselling or mentoring, coaching is focused on supporting individuals to identify goals and helping them achieve their highest potential.

In addition, by helping people to recognise their resilience and how to utilise leverage for positive outcomes, line managers will notice that results will benefit both the individual and the organisation. Often,many of us feel that we are striving for more but struggle to maintain a focus on actions, which leaves us feeling that we are under achieving and that things are out of balance. By supporting employee well being, Coaching will simultaneously be supporting the growth of the business.

As promised on the day, please find a link below to her presentation.

Coaching-for-Workplace-Wellbeing-July-6th-2018 (1)

If you would like more information on the range of services available from Yorkshire Psychotherapy check out their website below.

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